
About Us

Affinity Online Tutoring is a special online tutoring program developed by Shirley Allen, the Master Trainer for Affinity Real Estate and Mortgage Training, The program was developed from the Affinity Facebook Study Group Concept of staying in touch with our students who took and passed the NMLS Exam with Affinity. We use it as a “resource” where our students who can find people who are involved with the NMLS Exam Program. We want to provide continued access to Affinity, and all the programs that we offer at the MLO Training Academy.

In addition, it also allows us to welcome New Students who are studying to pass the Exam and who want to get “ahead of the game” by taking a few tutoring classes before “diving in and taking the Exam”. The tutoring sessions will greatly increase students’ chances of passing the National Exam. It will include ever section that the students will need to conquer to pass, it will include tutoring on the 500 Flashcards, the 800 plus facts, and on the Practice Tests.

At Affinity Online Tutoring, we will customize an Individual Study Plan for each student upon request, that will focus on the requested areas of the Exam if they just want to focus on certain sections.


The Mission of the Affinity Online Tutoring Program is to define the foundation for success, and to provide the necessary tools for our student to reach their ultimate goal which is: To Pass the National Safe Exam!

At Affinity, we will safely guide our students through the myriad of obstacles they may encounter, and provide them with the tools necessary to accomplish their goals.


The vision of the Affinity Online Tutoring Program is simple:

  • To enhance the online learning experience for Affinity Students seeking to pass the Exam.
  • To appeal to new students who are embarking upon their educational journey into the Mortgage Industry.
  • To encourage and support everyone to achieve their goals.
  • To treat everyone equitably and fairly.
  • To provide a place to share like experiences with like-minded people.
  • with like-minded people To provide the knowledge needed to achieve the success desired and deserved.